Cameo V3 Malaysia

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What can Silhouette Cameo V3 Plotter do?

  • Cut various materials including vinyl, paper, cardstock, fabric, and other materials up to 12 inches wide and 10 ft long. 
  • Use powerful Silhouette Studio design software to create your project. Features Bluetooth technology for wireless trimming or plug into your home computer. 
  • Has dual-carriage for multi-tool use and higher 2 mm clearance to cut thicker material. Compatible with Print & Cut and PixScan technology. 
  • Is the only Siluet compatible with AutoBlade adjusting. 
  • Includes CAMEO cylinder cutter, Silhouette Studio software, power cable and USB cable, 12-inch Mat cutter, AutoBlade cut blade

For more information about Cameo V3 Malaysia, please visit

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